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What is Gout?


Without warning and, for some reason, in the middle of the night, gout strikes -- an intense pain in a joint, most often the big toe, but sometimes other joints, including kneesankles, elbows, thumbs, or fingers.


Attacks of gout can be unexpected and excruciatingly painful. With prompt treatment, the pain and inflammation usually disappear after a few days, but they may recur at any time.


More than 8 million Americans suffer from goutGout occurs more often in men than in women. Men usually develop it between the ages of 30 and 50. Women are more prone to gout after menopause, and it is rare in children and young adults. Men who are overweight or suffering from high blood pressure are particularly prone to gout, especially if they are taking thiazide diuretics (water pills).



What Causes Gout?


An excess of uric acid in the blood brings on gout. Uric acid comes from two places -- produced by the body and from the diet. Any extra uric acid usually filters through the kidneys and gets passed in urine. If the body produces too much uric acid or fails to excrete it in the urine, crystals of monosodium urate form in the joints and tendons. These crystals cause intense inflammation leading to pain swelling and redness.


What exactly causes gout to occur when it does? The most common factor that increases your chance of gout and gout attacks is excess consumption of alcohol, especially beer. It used to be known as "the disease of kings" since it was mainly seen in wealthy men who drank and ate too much. Now we know it can occur in anyone and can be associated with injury or surgical procedures, hospitalizations, periods of stress, or reactions to diets high in meat and seafood, and certain drugs such as antibiotics. Gout may also occur in the presence of some tumors or cancers. There is also a relation between gout and kidney disorders, enzyme deficiencies, and lead poisoning. Gout may also accompany psoriasis and is common in patients with transplanted organs due to medications that are often needed. Susceptibility to gout is often inherited and is often associated with other common illnesses such as high blood pressurediabetes, and obesity. Repeat attacks of gout are common if the body's uric acid level is not kept under control.


Pseudogout is a similar but generally less painful condition caused by calcium pyrophosphate crystals in the joints. While it can affect the large toe, it is more commonly seen in larger joints such as the knee, wrist, or ankle. More common after age 60 in both sexes, pseudogout is treated with anti-inflammatory agents.



Who Are The Symptoms of Gout?


The most common signs of a gout attack are:


  • Sudden and severe pain in a joint, usually in the middle of the night or early morning

  • Tenderness in the joint. It can also be warm to the touch and look red or purple

  • Stiffness in the joint

If gout isn’t treated over long periods of time, the crystals can form lumps under the skin around the joint. They’re called tophi. They don’t hurt, but they can affect the way the joint looks. And if the crystals accumulate in the urinary tract, they can form kidney stones.


If you have an attack of gout, call your doctor as soon as possible. Until your appointment, you can ice and elevate the joint, and take anti-inflammatory drugs like aspirin and ibuprofen. You also should drink plenty of fluids, especially water, but stay away from alcohol or sweet drinks.



"What is Gout?" WebMD. WebMD, n.d. Web. 3 Jan. 2017. <>.



Contact Information


5690 W Chandler Blvd,

STE 2, Chandler, AZ 85226



Tel: 480-878-7425

Fax: 480-207-1025



Office Hours


Mon-Fri: 9am to 5pm

Sat & Sun: Closed

© 2017 by Arizona Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, PC

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